Excited to be along for the ride! FIRE is overrated and boring. Thanks for the book recommendations.

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I'v gone through a bunch of financial content. Mostly Ramit Sethi, Morgan Housel and a financial advisor from one of the biggest bank and they more or less say the same thing: Spend less than you earn and invest it in ETFs to get exposure to the highest performing companies in the economy.

Honestly, super boring. It's sound conversative advice and mathematically, it makes sense. If you save enough for long enough, the money will compound and leave you with enough money when you're old.

I'd say we don't want to get excitement from our finances but from the adventures in our lives and if we can get some exciting ventures going while being conservative with our finances, the better!

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Man, I'm hyped up to be a board member!

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Best of luck on this journey!

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This is great! And yeah, The Pathless Path is an inspiring book.

> I’m nervous, anxious, and scared too. But the possibilities in front of me are too exciting right now.

Bingo. Going solo (like I did too in January) feels like 🌀

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Just found your newsletter and loving it! How do we get voting rights, btw :)

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The plan sounds like a good plan!

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